Blog: Summer School Experiment

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Summer School Experiment - Thursday, July 29, 2004
Free at last, free at last: summer school is finally over!!!

My experimental "study" strategy of reading only the chapter summaries and bold words in the chapters didn't work so well. The test was insanely hard because I wasn't familiar with the bulk of the material. I should've also (at least) skimmed each paragraph in the chapters. Most likely I failed this exam. But the teacher throws out your lowest exam score, and I've already gotten three A's, so my grade has already been established. I bought a gradecard (more or less a postcard that you give to your teacher to mail to you with your final exam score and your course grade) and gave it to him. Soon I shall know just how ineffective this study method was. ;)

On another note, it was a really good class. Learning anthropology really opened up my mind to other cultures and helped me to understand why they do the things they do, and even why WE do the things we do. It's made me much less ethnocentric and has helped me understand what it means to be human. Good stuff.. I recommend Cultural Anthropology to anybody who's got some G.E.'s to burn.