Blog: First Day of Summer School

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First Day of Summer School - Monday, June 28, 2004
My first day of Cultural Anthropology at Pierce College was today. All-in-all everything is reminiscent of high school, and not quite in a good way. The classroom is high scool style: everything from the posters to blackboard to chairs and desks. The teacher seems better suited as a high school teacher than a college professor. And the textbook is high school level, if not below. There will be four equally weighted tests, all multiple choice (such a luxury we rarely get in college). Additionally, we have the option of dropping our lowest test grade. There are no written assignments or projects. I should be happy.... and I am. ;)

I also didn't take my housekey with me because I expected my dad to be home when I got back. To my chagrin, he wasn't! Fortunately my pastor, with whom we exchanged housekeys (so that we can take care of their house when they go on vacation, and vice-versa), was home and let me borrow his key to our house. =)