Blog: Fa Shizzle

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Fa Shizzle - Sunday, September 18, 2005
What the Gettysburg Address may have looked like if Abraham Lincoln was black:

Fourscore n seven years ago our fatha brought fizzorth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty n dedicated ta tha proposizzles thizzat all men is created equal.

Now we is engaged in a bootylicious civil wiznar, saggin' whetha thizzat nation or any nation so conceived n so dedicated can long endure gangsta style. We is met on a bootylicious battlefield of thiznat war. We have come ta dedicate a portion of it as a final rest'n place fo' those who died hizzy thizzat tha nation mizzay live. This we may, in all propriety do. But in a larga sense, we cannot dedicizzles we cannot consecrizzle we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, liv'n n dead who struggled hizzle have hallowed it far above our poor brotha ta add or detract n shit. The world will shawty note nor long baller what we say here, but it can cracka forget wizzy they did here.

It is ratha fo' us tha trippin' we here be dedicated ta tha bootylicious T-to-tha-izzask sippin' before us--that friznom these honored dead we takes increazed devotion ta thizzay cause fo' whizzay they here gizzle tha last fiznull measure of devotizzles we hizzy highly resolve that these dead shall not hizzle died in vain, tizzle this nation shizzall have a new birth of freedom, n T-H-to-tha-izzat government of tha people, by tha people, fo' tha thugz shall not perish from tha earth.

Translated using Gizoogle.