Blog: Cleaning Out the Inbox

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Cleaning Out the Inbox - Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Ever had an email that was too good to throw away, even though you knew you'd probably never look at it again? If you're like me and too lazy to file, they would just accumulate in your inbox until you'd have a hard time sifting through what's really important and what's not. Add in the fact that I have like 13 email addresses scattered hither and thither, and you'll get a better picture.

Tada! If you've already guessed, this is where Gmail comes in. I just finished forwarding all those "savable" emails to my Gmail account.. and the total was over 100. That took longer than it should have, since there's no way to bulk-forward. But once they were in Gmail... paradise. Lots of storage, one-click archiving, and easy searching make me a happy camper.

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