Blog: Chem and Covel

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Chem and Covel - Friday, October 24, 2003
I got my chem midterm back after the lecture today. My score was 87/100, which is supposed to be good compared to the 66/100 class average. I would've liked a higher score, like.. 100/100. =)

For dinner, Sophonias and I ate at Covel Commons for the first time. The food there was literally exceptional, much more exquisite and more lovingly prepared than at anywhere else I've been to. Afterwards, we went to the Grace on Campus meeting. We were half an hour late, so we missed what people said was a hilarious skit. We had a time of singing worship songs (and the drummer was crazily good) and a message. We both really enjoyed it! Grace is more schedule friendly than AACF, which starts at 6:30 on Wednesdays, leaving me no time to eat dinner after my Comp Sci lecture ends at 6. But in every other respect, the two fellowships are almost identical.